high angle photo of two green mugs filled with coffee

The Bunch That Loves To Brunch!

A Concept: Imagine you have six friends, who meet once a week, have brunch and talk about social issues everyone seems to scratch on the surface or avoid touching at all.

  • Quitting your day job to pursue your passion?
  • Being gay and still devoted to serving in the church?
  • Representation of people of colour in the media industry?
  • Choosing to be a college drop out?
  • Social media promoting rape culture and child pornography?

All these and more, discussed by 6 people with different cultural backgrounds, races, religious beliefs and sexual orientations.

" The Bunch That Loves To Brunch" will be coming to you soon on Youtube. But we don't want to keep you waiting long, every week you could receive a brain-picking short newsletter from one of the six brunch lovers and get updated when we are live on youtube.

You won't regret this!!!

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